Fall Guys — The Idol Games Event


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The Idol Games Event is now live on Fall Guys across all platforms! Teased as “the most legendary event in the Blunderdome”, the event revolves around winning game shows, as well as the Ring Hexathlon Blast Ball Trials show added for the event.

By completing all 10 of the event’s challenges, hopeful beans can become idol athletes, and recieve the exclusive Crown Idol costume to commemorate their success!

Read on to learn all about these challenges, as well as of the other rewards in the event, but be warned: The Idol Games is not for the faint of heart.

Update: Around 1:45PM ET, a content update was pushed across all platforms to replace Ring Hexathlon with Blast Ball Trials as the event show. This post has been updated to reflect this.

Event Overview

The newsfeed description of The Idol Games Event.

During the event, players are required to place high and win shows across not only in the event show of Ring Hexathlon Blast Ball Trials, but also across Solo, Squad, and Duo shows.

In other words, players are expected to win at least one show each across the main three matchmaking modes, as well as the event’s newly-featured show.

Players determined enough to prove their skill in each of these shows will earn a full costume for free: The Crown Idol.

The event also launches alongside an update that re-introduces Team rounds to Duos and Squads shows.

Event Duration

The Idol Games event runs from July 14th, 2022 at 4AM ET to July 19th, 2022 at 4AM ET.

Players will have until then to complete the Event Challenges and earn the exclusive costume, or purchase any of the featured Pusheen items from the store!

Event Challenges

The original Event Challenges screen. Ring Hexathlon shows for the first two challenges.

Like all events in Fall Guys, The Idol Games comes with 10 unique challenges to complete, each giving 100 event points each. The points are cumulative, and the missions cannot be swapped out in any way.

Unlike prior events, however, this event is likely the hardest of them all, requiring players to not only win the event show of Ring Hexathlon, Blast Ball Trials, but also to win every other main show once.

Below are the list of challenges for the event:

  • Play Any Round in Ring Hexathlon Blast Ball Trials
  • Win Ring Hexathlon Blast Ball Trials
  • Reach Round 3 in Squads Show
  • Reach the Final Round in Squads Show
  • Win Squads Show
  • Reach Round 3 in Duos Show
  • Win Squad Duos Show [Typo: Winning a Duos Show is the correct challenge.]
  • Reach Round 4 in Solo Show
  • Reach the Final Round in Solo Show
  • Win Solo Show

Note: Because Ring Hexathlon was replaced with Blast Ball Trials, any challenges completed for Ring Hexathlon will carry over as being completed for Blast Ball Trials. Players do not get any extra event points if this is the case.

Event Rewards

A screenshot showing the player earning the last event reward: the upper half of the Crown Idol costume.

Of course, the biggest draw to The Idol Games event lies in its exclusive rewards. By playing the event and completing the challenges listed, players will be able to earn items based on the event’s Crown Idol, including the Crown Idol costume itself!

Below is a list of what players can earn through playing the event:

Nickname: Idol Games Athlete – [200 points]

200 Kudos (free currency) – [300 points]

Nameplate: Idol Games Athlete [500 points]

Costume – Lower Body: Crown Idol [800 points]

Costume – Upper Body: Crown Idol [1000 points]

Note: The rewards are not redeemed and claimed automatically, unlike the Fame (seasonal) and Crown (victory) ranks, so be sure to claim your hard earned rewards while the event is active from the event page!

Featured Store Items: Pusheen

The Newsfeed promo for the Pusheen crossover items.

Lastly, on a far less extreme and competitive note, Pusheen items have been added to the store for the duration of the event.

For those unaware, Pusheen is a cartoon cat, best known for its cutesy art style and comics. They also have an official YouTube channel as well.

But going back to the featured list, players can choose to buy the Pusheen and Super Pusheenicorn costumes packs for 800 Show-Bucks each, and the Purrrfection emote for 400 Show-Bucks.

A screenshot showing the Pusheen crossover costumes added to Fall Guys. Pusheen, Super Pusheenicorn, and the Purrrfection emote is shown for purchase.

There’s also the Pusheen Bundle, which includes both costume packs, a Pusheen Nameplate, and the “Meowgical” Nickname, all for 1600 Show-Bucks.

Do note that participating in the event is optional if you only want to buy the Pusheen costumes. Simply head to the store and purchase the packs you want if this is the case!

The Pusheen items will be removed from the store at the end of The Idol Games event, so be sure to purchase them while you can!


That’s all there is regarding The Idol Games event on Fall Guys! Are you up for the challenge to get the Crown Idol costume? Or are you skipping the event? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

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