Square Enix’s The World Ends With You has a lot of great elements to it: An engrossing story, a unique and thrilling combat system, likeable characters, a litany of items to collect, and an expansive number of pins to experiment and master.
But, at times, there are quite a few terms and concepts that aren’t clearly defined.
Because of this, I’ve decided to make a glossary of everything any player of TWEWY should know, or may like to know.
Read on to learn all about things like bytes, psych resonance, and the chain of command in the Reapers’ Game!
The Reapers’ Game
Cell Phone: The phones Neku and his partner use. Serves as the game’s Main Menu, from which levels and difficulty can be adjusted, items equipped and food eaten, as well as where the player’s Pins can be managed and equipped, amongst other things. The music can be set from the Items tab by selecting a CD.
Emergency Call: An Emergency response in the UG, made when then UG’s existence is threatened. When the Composer is absent and an Emergency Call is authorized, the Composer’s rules for the Game are suspended.
Entry Fee: The one thing that an individual person holds most dear. All players must forfeit their entry fees in each game. Winning the game results in the Player’s Entry Fee being returned to them, and losing the game results in the entry fee being gone forever. Entry Fees were not intended by the Composer to begrieve Players, but to cause Players to reevaluate whether or not their entry fee was truly important, and change their outlook on life.
Erasure: A cessation of a form of life, especially in the UG. Players, Reapers and Noise constantly face Erasure throughout the Game.
Game Partner: A fellow Player with whom a Player has formed a pact. Should one player in a pact be erased, it won’t be long before the other player is erased.
Imaginary Number Plane: A special plane a fraction away from the Noise Plane. Those able to use it’s power are able to unleash a powerful level i flare.
Imprinting: The weakest form of communication between the Planes of Existence. Imprinting involves the transferring of a “Meme” into the thoughts of others. How the person interprets the meme varies, making imprinting unreliable. Art, however, can be used as a way to mass imprint.
Keypin: Special pins that reapers can use to clear walls that block players. It appears that every Reaper has one.
Meme: Words or phrases related to the day’s mission. Used for Imprinting into others’ heads as an idea. Whenever a meme is discovered, it is automatically sent to the phone.
Mission Mail: The means through which Players receive missions. Cannot be deleted from the Players’ phones. Missions can be checked on by tapping the mail icon during regular gameplay.
Missions: Tasks that Players must complete during the Reapers’ Game. Missions are almost always timed, and failure to complete the mission results in the Player’s erasure.
Noise: Entities that lack conscious will, and constantly thirst for more Soul. Noise can be summoned by Reapers, attack Players, and can possess humans in the RG. Noise are animal based in appearance.
Pact: A formal union between two Players. Without a pact, a Player cannot damage Noise, and Noise will continue to pursue them until the Player is erased, or forms a pact with another player.
Player Pin: A pin that all Players are given, denoting their status as a Player. Player Pins are used to scan the area, as well as Imprinting Memes, although other Players and Reapers cannot be scanned.
Realground: The Plane of Existence of normal life. Members of the RG cannot see those of the UG. Except in cases where those of the UG down-tune their vibes to that of the RG. Can be affected supernaturally by the UG.
Reaper Creeper: A form of communication between the UG and RG, amongst other Planes. It involves paralogos and a coin, and can be seen as a form of divination. It is mentioned that proper use requires Matoya’s Spell, which is really a hidden clue when spelled backwards.
The Reapers’ Game: A 7 day long “Game” in which Players are pitted against “Reapers” for survival. It takes place in the Underground, and Players must give up an Entry Fee to participate. It is used by the Composer to judge humanity, like a filtering system, and determine which individuals are worthy at a second chance of living. Never abbreviated as “RG,” though sometimes referred to as the “Game”.
Scanning: The ability of a player to read the thoughts of humans, as well as find and fight Noise. It is acquired through the Player Pin.
Timer: A physical countdown before a given mission expires. When the countdown expires, and the mission has not been completed, the player is erased.
Tin Pin Slammer: A tabletop game that also has a TV show. Gameplay consists on slamming currently worn pins into the opponent’s pins, knocking them off the table. A customary rule insists that the loser must give the winner a pin.
Trends: The most popular Brands in an area of Shibuya. Wearing Brands in battle influences the Trends, making the equipped Brands more popular.
Underground: A Plane of Existence in which the Reapers’ Game takes place. Often abbreviated as UG. The UG exists on a higher frequency than the RG, allowing inhabitants of the UG to see the RG, but not vice versa. Ruled by the Composer.
Attack (ATK): The attack power of a character. The higher a character’s attack, the more damage they do against enemies. Can be increased with Food (Permanent) and Threads (Temporary, green text.) Not shared, and is exclusively character-specific.
Bravery (BRV): The Bravery stat of a character. Determines what threads a character can wear. Increased through stickers, food, Mingling (NDS) and level-ups only.
Bytes: A unit of measurement that shows fullness when eating food. A character has 24 bytes of food they can consume a day, which decreases by 1 per battle. Once all of a food item’s bytes are gone, the character has finished digesting the old food item, and is free to consume another. Bytes are replenished after a day passes in real time, but never drop below 6 bytes.
Defense (DEF): A stat that determines how effective an enemy’s attack is. The higher the defense, the less damage is taken. In the NDS version, Defense is calculated by the character’s current Threads and Base stat. In the Final Remix version, Defense is calculated by a character’s base defense stat + threads, and is also added with the partner’s base defense + threads, making the active partners’ defense stats exact. Also, in the Final Mix Version, a Partner’s Defense Sticker raises Neku’s defense by 1 when Neku is partnered with them, while the NDS version of the game only increases the partner’s defense. Increased through food, stickers, and threads only.
Drop Rate: Affects the frequency in which enemies will drop rare pins. Drop rate can be increased by changing the player’s current level, as well as by digesting certain food items. The adjusted drop rate percentage is calculated by multiplying a Noise’s default drop rate by the current drop rate.
Fusion Level: A stat that allows more powerful Fusion Attacks to be used. Can only be increased through stickers.
HP: The life energy a player has. Losing all HP in battle prompts a Game Over. Can be increased by Leveling Up, Equipping Threads (Temporary, character-based, in green text) and eating Food (Permanently.) Base HP is shared between partners, and is a global stat value.
Level: The current/max level of the player. Levels can be decreased at will from the Cell Phone’s main menu, increasing drop rate, but decreasing their HP. Shown as the player’s current level over their max level, i.e., (1/25)
Sync Rate (%): The sync rate between Neku and his Game Partner. In all versions, the sync rate can be raised through consuming food, but is decreased when escaping successive battles. In the NDS version, the sync rate can also be raised by wearing popular brands’ swag in battle, while in the Mobile and Final Remix Versions, the sync rate is increased by landing cross-combos.
Abilities: Special bonuses attached to Threads. These must be unlocked, but have a wide range of bonuses.
Brands: The company that makes a particular Pin or Thread. Wearing lots of a Brand’s work increases the brand’s position in the Brand Chart, which changes Pins’ effectiveness and the Trends in the Area. In the NDS version, wearing popular Brands with your partner increases your Sync Rate.
Cross Combo: An attack performed when Neku and his partner attack an enemy at once. Cross Combos raise Sync Rate, and deal increased damage to enemies. (Mobile and Final Remix versions only.)
Fusion Attack: A powerful attack usable when enough Fusion Stars are collected (NDS version,) or when the Sync Percent is at 100% or above (Mobile and Switch versions.) It restores health, as well as multiplies attack and drop rate.
Fusion Stars: Stars gathered by Neku’s partner during their combo branches. once enough have been collected, A Fusion Attack can be used.
Level Up (Pin): The result in which a Pin accumulates enough experience to level up. Once a pin is fully levelled, it is either Mastered, and put into a separate stockpile, or Evolves, depending on what type of experience it received, and changes into a different pin, repeating the process.
Level Up (Player): The result of defeating Noise through battle. When Neku levels up, his partner does as well, increasing both their Bravery stats by 1 and their HP by 50. Levels are a global stat, and can be adjusted through the Cell Phone’s Main Menu.
Light Puck: A green orb of light that is passed between Neku and his Partner in battle. Is triggered by combo finishes, provides an attack boost for the affected character, and increases damage done to Taboo Noise. (NDS only.)
Partner Pin: A special pin that allows Neku’s Partner to assist in a battle. Partners have unique inputs required to use the partner pin. Once the partner pin gauge empties, the pin must Reboot before it can be used again. (Mobile and Final Remix versions only.)
Pin Mastery: The result of a pin receiving max experience and not evolving. These pins are more valuable, can be traded in for Quest Items, and are put into a Mastered Stockpile from the Pins menu.
Pin Evolution: An occurrence when certain pins receive a majority type of experience during it’s use. In the NDS and mobile versions, there are three types of pin experience: Mingle PP, Battle PP, and Shutdown PP. In the final Remix version, there are only Battle and Shutdown experience types.
Psych: A Player’s means of fighting Noise. Almost all Pins have Psychs, though not all of them are attack-based.
Psych Affinities: The damage type of pins. Pins can have a Negative affinity, (long-range attacks) Positive affinity, (short-range attacks) or Neutral affinities (Status and Special Pins)
Harmonizer Pin: A special pin that is only usable when cooperating with a partner. Becomes usable once the Sync rate is at 100% or higher, (Mobile + Final Remix) or when enough Fusion Stars have been attained. (NDS only) Also known as a Fusion/Sync Pin.
Noise Plane: A special plane that straddles the UG and the RG, allowing interference in both. When a battle starts, Players are forcibly tuned in to the Noise Plane.
Secret Report Terms
Command Codes: Special codes that allow for mass-imprinting. CAT’s Udagawa Mural Tag is embedded with command codes.
Imagination: The creative power of a Player, Reaper, and beyond. The more diverse a Player’s Soul is, the more potential they have for Imagination, and the more stable the Soul is, the more powerful that imagination becomes. Used when triggering Psychs.
Modular Decal (SR5): A decal found near shops and restaurants. It allows those near the area of effect to become visible in the RG, enabling communication and commerce. It is designed similarly to the Player Pin. It allows such to happen by forcibly tuning the vibes of those in the UG down to those in the RG.
Parallel World(s): Alternate worlds that exist within a Plane. Based on the real life Daughter-Universe theory, in which choices that were not chosen in one reality, exist as a separate reality in itself. Travel between Parallel words is possible through Imagination, but carries the risk of stranding the traveler in the parallel world, due to the stress involved weighing down the traveler’s base frequency.
Planes of Existence: The different planes in which inhabitants exist. There are at least 5 planes, The UG, the RG, the Higher Plane, the Imaginary Number Plane, and the Noise Plane. Each exists on a different frequency, with higher frequencies able to see lower ones, but not vice versa.
Psych Resonance: The amplification of partnered Players’ Psychs through Fusion. Measured with the Harmonizer Pin.
Soul: “Abstract Matter” in which everything is created: be it a person, the Atmosphere, A person’s will, their thoughts, etc… Anything erased in the UG still exists through its’ Soul, when can be reused into different forms, such as pins, Reapers, and even Noise. Any amount of Soul consumed by Noise is forever destroyed.
Taboo Noise Refinery Sigil: A sigil in which Taboo Noise are summoned. Savvy reapers may also try to reincarnate through it, but the vibe frequency is too low to translate properly in the UG.
Items & Swag
Accessories: Threads that have no designated wearable location. Can be Jewelry, Toys, ties, etc… Stat boosts vary across accessories. Only one Accessory can be worn by a Player at once.
Books: Tips and hints about the game. Denoted by (B).
Bottoms: Threads equipped on the lower body. Usually boosts the HP and Defense stats. Does not conflict with threads worn as a Top and Bottom, but only one bottom thread can be worn by a Player at a time.
CDs: Music that can be listened to from the Cell Phone. Selecting a CD changes the Main Menu’s music.
Food: Consumable food that can eaten to permanently boost stats. Each food item has a specific number of Bytes needed to fully digest the food item.
Footwear: Threads that are equipped on the feet. Usually boosts Defense. Only one pair of footwear can be worn by a Player at once.
Headwear: Threads that are equipped on the head. Usually boosts Attack. Only one piece of headwear can be worn by a Player at once.
Pins: Decorative pins that can be worn on clothing, or used battling Noise in the Game. Also known as buttons or badges internationally.
Pin Stockpile: A collection of Pins, specifically those that have not been mastered.
Stickers: Items featuring character artwork, unlocking new features or improving stats in the Game. Denoted by (S).
Swag: Collectively refers to everything a Player has collected.
Threads: The clothing that Neku and his partner can wear. Threads come in 6 categories: Tops, Bottoms, Headwear, Footwear, Accessories, and Top and Bottoms. Each Thread requires a certain Bravery level to use, is part of a Brand, and comes equipped with an unlockable battle Ability. Threads cannot be stacked or layered.
Top and Bottom: Threads that are both tops and bottoms, such as uniforms, suits, and costumes. Does not conflict with threads worn as an individual top or bottom, but only one of this type of thread can be equipped per player.
Tops: Threads equipped on the upper body. Usually boosts the HP and Attack stats. Does not conflict with threads worn as a Top and Bottom, though only one top thread can be worn at a time.
Shibuya: The main setting of the Game, based on the real life Shibuya, Japan. Certain places and buildings have been re-named in The World Ends with You, though the design is largely similar.
Shinjuku: A special ward of Tokyo, Japan. It is based on the real life Shinjuku, which is both a major commercial center, as well as the center of the government of Tokyo. It appears to have its’ own Game.
Modes and Menus
Brand Chart: A chart showing which Brands are popular in the area. The top 3 Brands and the least popular Brand are shown, each changing the effectiveness of certain Pins’ attacks.
Chapters: A menu option unlocked once the main story has been completed. Players can then revisit any story chapter they wish, at any time, and unlock Secret Reports that add to the game’s story.
Co-op: A mode exclusive to the Final Remix version, replacing Mingle mode. A second player can join the game, controlling Neku’s partner.
Deeds: A screen in which the player’s overall stats and progress is tracked. Once certain conditions have been met, additional characters can be seen on-screen.
Difficulty: The difficulty of the game. Players can change the game’s difficulty at any time, which also determines what pins enemies drop. There are four difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, Hard and Ultimate.
Friends: A menu where a player can review friends encountered through Mingle Mode, as well as shop in stores they’ve made. Players can also create their own shops, changing the venue, merchant, and BGM, in which their currently equipped threads and pins are sold. Players can also review their friends’ Game Reports as well. (NDS)
Game Report: A summary of all of the player’s stats and equipment. Replaced with the Deeds menu in the Final Remix version.
Level Gauge: A gauge that can be used to adjust the player’s current level. The lower the level, the higher the drop rate increases. Players can change from the highest level, to their lowest level, and all levels in between. Regardless of level, players will continue to accumulate experience points.
Items: A menu in which Threads can be equipped, Food can be eaten, and CDs, Stickers and Books can be reviewed. After beating the game, Neku’s current partner can be switched from this menu as well.
Mingle: A mode in which players can communicate with other players’ games through Bluetooth or infrared connection. Can also be used to acquire certain pins that are not unlockable through normal gameplay, and awards Mingle Pin Points to the active deck. Also increases bravery somewhat. NDS and Mobile Only, not present on the Final Mix versions.
Noise Report: A collection of every Noise Neku has encountered during the Game. Players can see the stats, descriptions, and models of Noise, as well as see what Noise drop which Pins during different difficulties and Drop Rates. The lowest level and difficulties cleared are also recorded with the Noise, as well as the fastest time the Noise was erased (Boss Noise symbols only.)
Partner Controls: A setting in which you can control how you partner acts in battle. There are two main options: Auto-Play and Manual. When using Manual controls, you can manually control both Neku and his Partner, while with auto controls, the game will take control over Neku’s partner after a few seconds. (NDS only).
Pins: A menu where players can equip and manage their Pins. Pins that aren’t fully leveled are put into the Stockpile, while Pins that are fully leveled are put into the Mastered section.
Save: A mode in which players can view their Game Report, as well as save their game. (NDS)
Tin Pin: A mode in which Tin Pin Slammer can be played at will. All versions.
Tin Pin Slammer
(Dive) Bomber: An offensive Whammy in which the Pin leaps up, then crashes down on the chosen area. Effective against the Hammer Whammy, but weak to the Stinger Whammy. Used by pressing up on the control pad, or by tapping its’ icon.
Charge Slam: A slam performed by tapping and holding the center of a pin, making a straight line, then releasing in the desired direction. When performed correctly, the guiding arrow and released Pin will flash.
(Sledge)Hammer: An offensive Whammy that uses a spinning hammer to KO Pins. Effective against the Stinger Whammy, but weak to the Bomber Whammy. Used by pressing left on the control pad, or by tapping the icon.
Hand: A Whammy in which a Hand appears and saves a Pin from falling off the table. Used by pressing down on the DS control pad, or automatically in the Mobile and Final Remix versions.
KO Length: The amount of time a pin will be stunned, in seconds, when hit by a Whammy.
Spin: How much a pin will spin when performing a Spin Slam.
Spin Slam: A special slam performed by tapping and holding a pin on it’s edges, then releasing in the desired direction. Tricky to master, but can be used to counter-slam when done correctly.
Stinger: A defensive Whammy in which a pin uses Spikes to counter attacking pins. Effective against the Bomber Whammy, but weak to the Hammer Whammy. Used by pressing right on the control pad, or by tapping the icon.
Weight: How heavy the Pin is. Heavier Pins slam harder, and are harder to move, while lighter Pins are more agile and prone to knockback.
Whammies: Special abilities Pins can use in Tin Pin Slammer. Hitting an enemy with a Whammy awards points, and stuns the affected Pin.
Chain of Command
Angels: Those who make up the Higher Plane. Angels are forbidden from interfering in the Reapers’ game. Angels have extremely high frequencies, and are meant to freely travel between Parallel worlds and planes.
Producer: A member of the Higher Plane that serves as a guardian overseeing the game. Producers have the power to contact anyone in the Underground, though can only freely do so with the Composer. The existence of a Producer in the UG endangers the stability between the UG and the RG. The Producer is strictly prohibited from revealing their identity.
Composer: A person who wields absolute authority in the UG. A composer can only be replaced through defeat, with the victor assuming the role of Composer. The Composer is the only person with enough Imagination to Reincarnate a player. Composers also are only able to sense the frequency of the Producer, as angels exist on a higher-frequency plane.
Conductor: A reaper who directly receives orders from the Composer, and represents the composer’s interests as their second-in-command. Conductors oversee all reapers, and are given rules by the composer for all to enforce and abide by.
Game Master: Highly-proficient reapers who have attained the authority to directly manage the Reapers’ Game, within the rules outlined by the Composer. Reports in to the Conductor. Game Masters assign the Players’ missions, and are allowed to attack Players directly on day 7.
Officer: Reapers who have been formally promoted from Harriers. Officers do not patrol Shibuya, and are instead more active with the administrative side of the Game. Officers may be promoted to Game Master by the Conductor.
Reaper: Inhabitants of the UG that serve as antagonistic forces to Players. They serve as a way to enforce the game and “weed out” weaker Players. Reapers can be transformed from Players in the Reapers’ Game, gaining increased strength and a longer lifespan, however, their lifespan is also dependent on how many players they have erased. Can freely interact with the RG, so long as their duties are met. Reapers come in two types: Support Reapers and Harrier Reapers. Reapers cannot directly attack players, in normal circumstances, and must rely on Noise instead.
Player: Those who fight for survival in the Reapers’ Game. Players are given Missions, Timers, and Player Pins, and must make a Pact in order to survive. All players in the Reapers’ Game are actually dead, in a different Plane from the normal existence.
Human: Regular people who are not directly involved with the Game. Can be susceptible to both suggestion by Players, and attack by Noise.